Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Brave: possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance.

Brave is:

Moving across the country for a job when you’ve never lived further than 45 minutes from your family.

Never giving up despite having Leukemia and fighting Pneumonia at the same time.

Going to therapy even though it can turn out to be the hardest hour of your week.

Having the courage to walk away from something even though you swore this wouldn’t happen to you.

Giving a significant amount of your time to head up a 6th-12th grade youth group.

Getting out of bed each morning.

Moving to a place you never thought you’d go back to because family comes first.

Saying goodbye to your child as he heads off to the marines.

Choosing to follow God every day of your life.

Going to Law School so you can learn how to protect innocent people from being trafficked and exploited.

Following your passion even though you may not know where you’ll end up in the next five years.

Learning how to set boundaries.

Taking steps to change your life.

Opening your home and hearts by adopting kids without homes of their own.

Serving your country to protect the freedom we so often take for granted.

Today I’ve been thinking about what it means to be brave. I have so many brave people that surround me on a daily basis. I’m sure there are a million more things that I could add to this list, but you get the idea. I’m proud of the people in my life. They make me realize how good life is even though it can really kick our butts sometime.

Brave: possessing or exhibiting courage or courageous endurance.

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