Monday, September 9, 2013

Words of Advice to My Future Children:

To My Future Children:

If your world looks anything like it does in 2013 there are a lot of things I’d like to tell you.
         There is going to be a day when you are going to want to be seen as an adult. It is totally normal to feel this way, but it is not necessary to do something drastic for people to see that. You do not need to act out, show off your body, become a sex symbol, or make a fool out of yourself to be considered grown up. In fact those things will most likely make you look younger and more childish. Do something great and change the world. Treat people with respect. Get a solid education. Make a difference. These are just a few of the many ways people will start looking at you as an adult.
Don’t base your life decisions off of what the world says and here’s why: According to the world today, I am not beautiful. I don’t have a chance with most guys out there because I am not the perfect body type. I struggle with my weight and the world says that’s not ok. Most clothing designers won’t make clothes for my size because apparently at a certain size they believe we don’t care how we look anyways. So if I were to start only believing what the world tells me to believe, you would not be here. I believe that beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. I don’t have to look like a super model and there will be someone who loves me and marries me. Now I’m not saying I can’t do things to get healthier and feel better about myself, but I don’t believe I have to change in order to find the man I am supposed to marry. Be an individual. Stand out. But do it on your own terms. Live life to the best of your abilities and don’t let the world dictate who you are.
Take the time to ask the cashier at the grocery store how their day is going. Leave a good tip for the waitress at brunch. Give people compliments. I hope that one of the things I instill in you is that people matter. We will rarely know what they are going through and there are times when it is easier and faster to just get through our day without much interaction, but people need to feel valued. Take time to show people they have worth. Take the time to let people know they are doing a good job. Take the time to ask them about their lives. Do these things without expecting anything in return.
Spread love. Every day I see so much that makes my heart break for the world I live in. Do anything you can to see that love is spread to all you come in contact with. Because ultimately, Love will win and you can be a part of that. J
I’m sure there are more things I’ll tell you over the years, but these are the ones that really felt important for me to tell you today.

- Mama. (that is what I hope you are calling me J.)