Wednesday, July 4, 2012


This week has been the start of a new (ish) adventure. I have officially asked my older sister (Abigail) to be my accountability partner as far as my journey with health goes. Basically what we have agreed on is that I will send her a list of my weekly goals each Sunday and she will call/email/text me to ask me how I’m doing with them. I am really excited because Abigail is the greatest at being supportive and encouraging, but she is also good at challenging and holding people to things. I need someone to check in with. I need someone to ask me how my journey is going and I know she is the best candidate for that.

This week my goals were as follows: Exercise at least 3 times; drink at least 8 cups of water a day; wake up early (meaning 8:00ish) and take my dogs on a walk around the loop in my subdivision, blog at least twice, and make healthier choices when I eat out.

So far I am satisfied with the way my week has gone. I have significantly decreased the amount of diet soda I’ve been drinking and have been drinking over 8 cups each day. I am proud to say I have resisted the urge to go to the Kiltie (the local drive in ice cream joint) to get an amazing dessert. The thing I’m noticing though, is that while I am proud I am making the right choices, I sometimes find that I am making the choices grudgingly. When the moment has passed, I feel glad that I pushed through the temptation, but while I’m making it I am not happy about it. I want to change that mindset.

I need to tell myself every single day that the little choices are going to make a big difference in the rest of my life. I know I want this. I know I want to be healthier. I want to go shopping with my sisters and actually enjoy myself. I want to meet guys and not have them judge me based on appearance alone. I know that I am fighting for a longer, healthier, happier life. And now I have a great mentor, spiritual confidant, and accountability partner in my sister Abigail. I know I am going to make mistakes, but it’s nice to know that I can talk to her and not feel judged. I know that she will talk me through why I made the mistake I did and what I can do to prevent it in the future. I am ready for change, but haven’t felt like I could do it alone. Now I know beyond a shadow of a doubt that this time next year I’ll be rocking it in the family soccer game and getting up on waterskis again. I’ll look forward to skiing vacations in Colorado and eventually tackle my dreams of getting really awesome at biking and tennis.

So here it goes. My life is changing and I’m embracing every minute of it!!

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