Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sleepless Nights

After a wonderful time at the mall with one of my favorite people, I arrived home and could not sleep. I cleaned my room. I made my bed. I finally sat in my bed on the left side with the other side still perfectly made. I felt a feeling I hadn't felt in a very long time...deep loneliness and sadness. Now I know that I am still young and it seems ridiculous to be wasting time with feelings like these, but there is always the small part of me that wishes I had that significant other. I know God has someone in mind for me...or at least I hope He does...but sometimes it's hard when I am surrounded by people who are either married, engaged, and in relationships. While I am incredibly happy for them, I feel this slow chipping at my soul wondering when will it be my turn. I am to the point in my life where I truly like who I am. I like me. I like what I stand for. I am working on liking the physical me as well. I knew that before I wanted to be with somebody, I wanted to make sure I loved who I am. I'm going to be 25 this year and I have only dated one guy. I just feel like I'm behind. Like I'm missing something. Maybe not...I just know I did not get any sleep last night because that empty feeling wouldn't leave.